Sunday, July 29, 2012

TV Review: Dual Survival

It is not always about the movies. Sometimes I like to watch television. I do not watch a lot of TV but every and and then I find a show that I cannot turn off.
Dual Survival is one of them. 5 out of 5
I love nature. I use to be an avid hiker and a few times Jessica and I have gotten lost. Whether is be because of the boy scout troop in front of us was poking bee hives or lack of markers or our love for waterfall hunting, we have wondered off the trail and lost our bearings. Thanks to some quick thinking we have always made it out safe and sound.
This show takes that up a notch by having very limited supplies and getting stranded in some of the worst situations ever. The caves of Belize to the predator riddled plains of Africa to the soggy environment of the Louisiana swamps to the arid deserts in Arizona. What really makes this show is the two guys starring in it.
Cody Ludin is a primitive skills expert, full out hippie that never wears shoes. He lives in the desert where he survives off what mother nature provides. 
Dave Canterbury is very accomplished. A marine, a sniper, gator wrestler, hunter, tracker. He also teaches survival skills.
Both men feed off each other, learn from one another. All the while you are realizing what it takes to self rescue. They have also made me want to eat a Bamboo Chicken! (iguana) There are geniuses
It is probably the best survival show. I know if those boys had my purse they could live like kings! After getting lost a couple times I realized I needed to be better prepared, so I put all my basics on a key chain. A knife, a lighter, a condom (water container), a compass, a flashlight, and rope (para-cord bracelet). I did this even before Dave and Cody but they have taught me how to better use the tools I have at my disposal. They are impressive! 
Season 3 is just around the corner and I am just counting down the days. Sadly Dave will not be joining the third season but Cody will be returning.

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